Talloen, Fabre and Leeuws won the night relay
Leg 1:
A lot of strong runners were present at the startline: 7 runners who are ranked top20 at the Belranking and even a Swedish runner from Linköping (who represented VVO). But Ken Peeters, Winston Franssen (both Trol), Thomas van der Kleij and Benjamin Anciaux (both Ham ok) started very fast. They all had the same (easy) first control and took the lead immediately. After a while only Thomas and Ken were able to stay in front of the chasing group (with Anciaux, Talloen, D. van der Kleij, Magnusson, D. and W. Franssen, Henriksson and Mellebeek). Thomas van der Kleij tried to run away from Ken Peeters, but towards the 13th control he made a big mistake. So Ken Peeters (Trol) arrived first at the changeover. He was 2 minutes faster than Thomas van der Kleij (Ham ok) and more than 4 minutes faster than Per Magnusson (VVO) and the others.
When Thomas and Joost passed the finishline, they cleared their emit again by accident, so all the information about their race was lost. This explains why their time in the resultslist isn't totally correct. They are 'punished' with 4 extra minutes.
Three runners made a strong performance during this shorter leg. Greet Oeyen (Ham ok) finished first at the changeover. Only Guido Timmers (Ham ok) run a faster legtime. Miek Fabre (Omega) lost only 17 seconds and arrived at the changeover in 2nd position.
For the victory we expected a close fight between Hamok (Martin Beckers) who started in 1st position and Omega (Wouter Leeuws). But Martin had an offday, so Wouter won the fight very easily (with a strong legtime). Also Jan Oeyen run a strong race: he started in 11th position and finished in 2nd position! But this VVO team wasn't officially allowed to be on the podium, because they had runners from different clubs and that is against the rules. So Ham ok (Schutjes) became 2nd, Kol (Michiels) 3th and another Ham ok team (Beckers) 4th.
Busy O-weekend:
These days are a very busy for the o-runners and organisers in Belgium (4 competitions in 3 days). Today a lot of these runners were present at a regional event in Brussels (Report and Results) and tomorrow they even will run 2 competitions. An oro-hydro event in Brussels and afterwards a normal regional event in Lille.
At 2/11/08 09:24,
Guido said…
Toch even iets rechtzetten.Het was niet Omega1 maar Hamok5 in 2de positie na 2 lopers.
En als Joost en Thomas in de uitslag 4 min. bij hun effectieve tijd hebben gekregen betekent dit dat hun 2de loper eigenlijk 4 min. langer heeft gelopen!Of zie ik dit verkeerd?
At 2/11/08 18:18,
Desmond said…
Het is alleszins niet bijgeteld bij de totaaltijd van de ploeg. Want anders had Martin voor Yannick moeten aankomen en op de foto's is duidelijk te zien dat Yannick eerst aankwam.
Dus dan is die tijd (4min) waarschijnlijk gecompenseerd bij de 2de lopers. Bijgevolg hebben Miek en Greet waarschijnlijk 29min in het bos gezeten..
At 2/11/08 18:30,
miek said…
Volgens mij klopt die redenering inderdaad. Ik had ook al gemerkt dat er iets niet klopte toen ik vergeleek met Guido zijn tijd.
Ik had trouwens geen al te beste wedstrijd dus lijkt me die 29min inderdaad realistischer dan de 25min die in de uitslag staan.
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