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donderdag, oktober 30, 2008

Preview: Belgian night relay

Tomorrow the start of the night o-season in Belgium will take place. Traditionally the first competition is a night relay with 3 runners in each team. This year, the club Trol will organise the relay in Kasterlee (Hoge Mouw) with coursesetter Wiet Laenen.
In 2007 the club Omega (Bart Delobel and the brothers Roel and Bart van de Moortel) won the relay. Also this year they have a strong team with 3 different runners: Joost Talloen, Miek Fabre and Wouter Leeuws. Kol finished in 2nd position last year and they decided to keep confidence in the same team: Yannick Michiels, Roger Bockx and Wannes Hendrickx.
Also Hamok will probably fight for the victory. They even have 5 strong teams! The more detailed teaminformation, you can find back in the comments.

The other teams (Omega, Trol, Kol, Hamok) and their legrunners are visible if you check the comments below this article. The teamcompositions from maybe other (FRSO) teams are still a surprise. Borasca has no team at the startline this edition.
For your information: last weekend Fabien Pasquasy won the French night orienteering championship (Article about Fabien).

Map: Hoge Mouw
Results: night relay 2007
Photos: night relay 2007
Article night relay 2007
Article night relay 2006


  • At 30/10/08 13:44, Blogger Desmond said…

    Teams KOL

    1. Wannes Hendrickx
    2. Roger Bockx
    3. Yannick Michiels

    1. Serge Baert
    2. Rudy Cantré
    3. ?

  • At 30/10/08 13:54, Blogger Desmond said…

    Teams TROL

    1. Ken Peeters
    2. Pol Ooms
    3. Herman Janssen

    1. Desmond Franssen
    2. Dieter Marinus
    3. Danny Marinus

    1. Tomas Henrikson
    2. Tom Vervoort
    3. Georges Vonck

    1. Winston Franssen
    2. Ben Vervoort
    3. Vanessa Bolsens

    1. Oswald Van Bockstal
    2. Fons Bosch
    3. Marc Debaedts

    1. Frans Wens
    2. Betty De Meyer
    3. Paul Bolsens

  • At 30/10/08 13:58, Blogger Desmond said…

    Teams OMEGA

    1. Joost Talloen
    2. Miek Fabré
    3. Wouter Leeuws

    1. Bart Van de Moortel
    2. Arno Keuppens
    3. Karl Keuppens

    1. Eric Van De Weijer
    2. Evert Leeuws
    3. Joep De Roeck

    1. Michel Huysmans
    2. Leen Wouters
    3. Frank Vinckx

    1. Anton Buytaert
    2. Jeanne Ignoul
    3. Albert De Bruyne

    1. Chris Addiers
    2. Nelis Fabré
    3. Dick Ducro

  • At 30/10/08 16:04, Blogger jeroen vdK said…

    Hamok 1

    1. Thomas Van der kleij
    2. Greet Oeyen
    3. Martin Beckers

    Hamok 2

    1. Luc Melis
    2. Marc Hermans
    3. Jeroen Van der Kleij

    Hamok 3

    1. Benjamin Anciaux
    2. George Deferme
    3. Frederik Meynen

    Hamok 4

    1. Dries Van der Kleij
    2. Toon Melis
    3. Koen Meynen

    Hamok 5

    1. Bart Mellebeek
    2. Guido Timmers
    3. Stefaan Schutjes

    Hamok 6

    1. An Verberne
    2. Dominique Schutjes
    3. Vladimir Geldof

  • At 31/10/08 09:09, Anonymous Anoniem said…

    to my great teams


  • At 31/10/08 09:25, Blogger dries said…

    moeilijk te zeggen welk HAMOK-team het sterkste is, maar het is wel duidelijk dat Omega 1 met de sterkste ploeg aan de start komt.
    Overzicht startlopers volgens Belranking: with 7 TOP20-runners...

    4 Thomas van der Kleij
    7 Desmond Franssen
    9 Ken Peeters
    13 Dries van der Kleij
    17 Tomas Henrikson
    19 Joost Talloen
    20 Winston Franssen
    27 Wannes Hendrickx
    35 Benjamin Anciaux
    38 An Verberne
    56 Serge Baert
    110 Bart Mellebeek
    124 Luc Melis
    126 Bart van de Moortel
    159 Eric Van De Weijer
    275 Frans Wens
    404 Michel Huysmans
    451 Chris Addiers
    --- Anton Buytaert
    --- Oswald Van Bockstal (no ranking YET)

  • At 13/9/22 10:16, Anonymous Anoniem said…

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