De laatste post

Orienteering-news website

dinsdag, november 26, 2024

Throwback tuesday pt. 2

 Hier zijn we weer met een nieuwe throwback naar eerder geplaatste berichten op deze blog. Deze keer gaan we terug naar december 2006 waarin Dries een zeer interessant interview had met de GOAT Thierry. Veel nostalgie plezier!

interview with Thierry GUEORGIOU

Interview with Thierry Gueorgiou: Interesting answers on the world cup season 2007, goals, training program, ...

1. Do you know "De laatste post", and do you have any idea what it means?

Yes, I know this web-site and I have already been looking some news on it. I am not really sure about the exact meaning of “De laatste post”. Maybe, “the latest news” or even “the last control”, isn’t it?!

that's correct. De laatste post means both "the latest news" and "the last control"

2. What do you know about orienteering in Belgium?

I have been several times orienteering in Belgium, mostly for international competitions. I was there for JWOC in '97, World-Cup 2002 opening round and also for a junior match previously. Of course, I also know a couple of national team runners since they are taking part to most of the main French competitions. I would say that Belgian terrains are quite interesting especially if we take in consideration the size of Belgium. Sand terrains in the north part of Belgium are very nice.

3. How did you experience the orient-show?

I loved it! It was more than only a show. I expected a quite simple orienteering there, but finally it was a really challenging competition, with all the things that I like in our sport: mentally demanding, opponents’ pressure, and technical challenges. I also think that this type of format can be a sort of revolution for areas where “natural” orienteering is not possible or not that interesting.

4. What do you think about the Olympic dream of IOF, what do you think is the best format for orienteering to make it an Olympic discipline?

If we consider that Olympic Games is not there to declare who is the very best in the World, but to sell even more Coca-cola bottles. Then, the Orient’Show would definitively be the most attractive event for Medias, Sponsors and so on. I simply hope that I will still like to be an orienteer in ten years and that all the concessions that we have to do to be more attractive would not make me lost my passion for this sport.Of course, it would be fun to go to Olympic Games as an orienteer instead of as a spectator. But I definitively know that if orienteering would become an Olympic sport, which I doubt, it would not be for my generation of runners.

5. What is your opinion about the new WC-rules 2007?

Honestly, I have not been looking carefully the World-Cup 2007 rules and program, mainly because I don’t like the new system. Since 2002, the value of World-Cups, in my opinion, decreases year after year. Hopefully I have been able to win the overall World-Cup this year and therefore I don’t have to go again and again to catch this first place. Thus, I have no special ambition for next year and will probably skip most of these competitions.
I have also been following the debate for the places allocation per nations. It is not an easy task, because if we want to be “media-attractive”, we need the bests at our best events. That’s for sure. But we also need a World wide spread sport. Honestly, I like to be in tight battle of the Finnish national championships where the amounts of good runners is amazing, and where qualification races are already a big threat. But, I also liked to see the smiles of the Uruguayan, Argentinean, Ecuadorian as well as the Angolan in the last CISM.

6. What is your winter training program?

I am slowly starting to increase my training amount since my two weeks of break after the season. I will keep the basis of my last winters. It means about half of my trainings hours will be orienteering. My results in WOC made me inspired too. The theory is always the same, you have to be prepared when the season will begin. And the key, is to prepare yourself in a way that no one will understand, because you don’t think too many people are willing to pay that price. The tougher you are on yourself, the easier life will be on you…"

Foto: WOC 2006

7. How do you combine orienteering with study/work?

At the moment, I am almost a full time orienteer. I have still to do a six months long training-course to get my Master of Ecology and Biology. But at the moment, I have another project which will take the next five months in my schedule. \nAnyway, the priority is always my next training. When I wake-up in the morning, the first question of the day is: ”which training I have planned?”

8. What are your goals for 2007?

In general: to continue my dream of life… Keep doing my deep passion, on the pursuit of the “even better”. Never stop learning. But at the moment, I have only one thought which excites my neurons: the middle distance of the next WOC. I want to show a better style than this year in this special race. I think that I will also be specially prepared for two others races in the season, the Tiomila and the Jukola.

9. Who is for you the O-man and O-woman of the year? And what is your O-race of the year?

Hummm, for the man, it is difficult to say, since I never try to compare me and the others. But I have been impressed by several runners this year, among them: Jani Lakanen, Emil Wingstedt, Jarkko Huovila and Daniel Hubmann. For the O-woman, it is, of course, Simone Niggli the superwoman of the year. But I have to say, that we really don’t have to trivialize her performances year after year. I am sure that it is not as easy as it seems. She is just unbelievable to keep her motivation at this level and set new limits after each race. But I have also been impressed, this year, by the skillful Minna Kauppi as well as the talented Hanny Allston. My best race this year was, maybe, the long distance in the World-Cup finals. I had the right strategy and feeling for the terrain from the start to the end. My Tiomila run wasn’t bad either."

10. What was your best (J)WOC-party ever? And why was it the best?

That’s a good question… I'm sure that it was not in Belgium for JWOC 1997; the only thing that I remember from this party was that the music volume was higher than ever. I would have been deaf if I would have stayed ten minutes in the dancing room. I have good memories from 1997, in the World Championships in Grimstad. I was only 18 year’s old, and I spend lot of time looking at my past idols!"

11. What do you want for Christmas?

Nothing special. Keep on dreaming and trying to achieve them is surely what I would like the most. But who could offer this to me? The world is full of people who are waiting for someone to come along and motivate them to be the kind of people they wish they could be…These people are waiting for a bus on a street where no busses pass. But hopefully I can find one person who can define success in my life – and that’s me!

12. What's your favorite O-website besides ""?

My start page is, of course! But it seems that the webmaster is a really lazy person. Updates aren’t made that often. More seriously, World of O’ is definitively the best starting page for every orienteer.

Thierry, Thanks for the interview. Best wishes for 2007, and may the best man win.

dinsdag, november 19, 2024

Throwback Tuesday: Never run straight

De koude wintermaanden beginnen er aan te komen en dan zijn er steevast iets minder wedstrijden en O-nieuws te bespeuren in binnen- en buitenland (buiten De Sylvester natuurlijk). Om deze ietwat kale maanden te overbruggen op de laatste post, wordt er een nieuwe categorie in het leven geroepen.

Throwback Tuesday zal voor u het vuile werk en doen en op zoek gaan naar de oude parels van De Laatste Post. TT zal elke week een oud artikel opgraven uit de diepe gekrochten van De Laatste Post en deze 'reposten' met een eervolle vermelding en correcte bronvermelding naar de oorspronkelijke auteur.

Voor deze eerste editie beginnen we met een wiskundig artikel van Dries vanuit november 2006. 

Never run straight

Imagine a leg through 2 types of forest, first forest is slower than the second one. The straight line has an angle of 45° to the contour line. But is running straight the fastest way? You can imagine that it depends on how much slower the first forest is in comparison to the second.

I give the results of some easy calculations.

Conclusion: NEVER RUN STRAIGHT if the speed in the two forests is different. It's easy to calculate in a fast way while running. If you think the speed in first forest (50%) is 2 times slower than second forest (100%) you should aim at about 50% of the angle between red line and contour line.

Run fast but think even faster.

donderdag, november 14, 2024

Jeneverrelay review: Thiels defends the title

 5 November 2024, a new chapter in the history books has been written as the Jeneverrelay took place in the Arenbergpark in Leuven. After the 2023 edition was canceled due to the course setter being in Kenya for a training camp, everyone was very excited to put on their orienteering shoes and night lamp to go to the start of the anticipated Jeneverrelay. 

The competition field was very diverse and ranging up to 30 competitors with high and less high orienteering level. Some noteworthy presences were the athletes from Louvain-La-Neuve that were so excited they even took the train on a random Tuesday evening to compete in one of the biggest (orienteering) events for students in Belgium. They were so inspired after their race that they invented a brand new competition on the 29th of November in Louvain-La-Neuve called “Schnaps-O” (Stay tuned for a review on that competition). Another special competitor was old SLOK student Toon Melis who set aside his political career to go back to his roots as a pro orienteer and was ready to perform in the competition.

As usual everyone was divided in teams of 2/3 persons while combining an experienced runner with a less experienced runner. Each runner runs 2 legs and has to drink a cup of jenever before they can leave. This year course setter Julia Krekels made a very nice and tricky course and even put in a special feature. At some controls a map was present that showed the location of  a hidden control which was equipped with sheets of paper that could reduce your total time by X minutes.  The tension was very high as the first leg runners went to the starting line with their cup of delicious jenever in their hands. And then the games began…

After the first leg a group of three runners finished first with Victor Mullens leading the pack followed by Liam Thiels and Jorn Kennis. They handed over to their less experienced teammate. During the following legs only Miel Deferme noticed and used the hidden control and gained 3 minutes subtracted from their total time. Finally the first teams started to finish their fourth leg and we had a podium with A winner in the team of Miel and Gaëlle and a shared third place between the team of Toon Melis and Joris Smet and the team of Colin and Francois. But then a big plot twist revealed itself. The team of defending champion Liam Thiels arrived 21 minutes after the first team (accounting for the time that Miel gained) and was in last position. But then it appeared that Liam also went to the hidden control and managed to grab time subtraction papers for a total of 22 minutes which meant that his team would arrive on top and in doing so Thiels defended his title of two years ago. A nice picture of the podium was taken.

Afterwards some runners went to their homes, others to Louvain-La-Neuve and others went to party like crazy and some of them drank a bit too much. I will not give more details on that but his name rimes with Korn ;) 

Let us now look forward to the brand new event in Louvain-La-Neuve and to the Beer relay in the second semester that will be organised by Jorn Kennis.

Thank you to the organisation and see you next year


woensdag, november 13, 2024

Ophef bij de zuiderburen

Anderhalve week geleden vond het Frans kampioenschap sprint en nacht plaats in Thionville bij Metz. Op zondag werd ook de CNE nog gelopen. De CNE is een aflossingscompetitie waarbij elke club zeven mannen moet samenstellen om een team te vormen of  vijf vrouwen voor een vrouwenteam. Beginnen doet de CNE om zes uur 's ochtends in het donker zodat zeker de twee eerste lopers volledige nachtbenen hebben. Daarna komt de zon op en is het aan de daglopers. Dit jaar deed ook één Belgisch team mee namelijk OK OB. Ze eindigden op een mooie tiende plaats en waren hier zeer tevreden mee. De resultaten kan je raadplegen via deze link 

Zoals u al kon lezen in de titel van dit artikel liep niet alles van een leien dakje dit weekend voor de Franse oriëntatiebond (FFCO). Dit komt naar aanleiding van een paar nieuwe beslissingen die genomen zijn door hun en, oh jawel, betrekking hebben op ons Belgen. Volgend jaar zullen buitenlanders namelijk geweerd worden van Franse kampioenschappen. Aflossingen zullen enkel uit 'echte' Fransen bestaan en grote aflossingen zoals CNE zullen nog maximaal één buitenlandse loper mogen bevatten. Voor veel clubs zoals bijvoorbeeld TAD (met veel Belgen) is dit een doorn in het oog. Zij doen namelijk hard hun best om veel buitenlanders aan te trekken en zo hun niveau van club te verbeteren en hun club uit te bereiden. 

Afgelopen weekend waren er dan ook enkele duidelijke tekenen van zowaar 'protest' waar te nemen. Zo liepen verschillende atleten het Frans kampioenschap sprint in een Belgisch tenue of met een Belgische vlag op de wangen. Tijdens de podiumceremonie van de heren 20 bereikte het protest zijn hoogtepunt. Als ware verrassingsact trokken de heren op het podium hun clubvest uit en verschenen allen in een (ietwat gedateerd) Belgisch truitje. Vervolgens scandeerde het Franse publiek zowaar de woorden 'Belgique'. Zo ziet u maar ondanks dat er soms ietwat bespottelijk wordt omgegaan met onze oriëntatienatie door onze zuiderburen, is de appreciatie toch iets groter dan men soms zou vermoeden.

Podium hommes20 FK sprint
Podium hommes 20 FK sprint