200 people (including 12 world champions) have signed the petition
200 people (including 11 world champions) have already signed the petition, after launching it only 2 days ago. These voters are living in more than 20 different countries. This large amount of voters proves that the orienteering world should think about the new evolution in this very nice sports. It's for sure that many athletes don't agree about the new format.
Below you can see which famous orienteers support the petition:
WOC winners :
Olav Lundanes
Thiery Gueorgiou
Phillipe Adamski
Thomas Dlabaja
Graham Gristwood
JWOC winners :
Mats Troeng
Lina Strand
Eskil Kinneberg
Yngve Skogstad
Topias Tianen
Lucas Basset
Matt Ogden
Also very good:
Anna Forsberg
Anders Norberg
What about your name?
Below you can see which famous orienteers support the petition:
WOC winners :
Olav Lundanes
Thiery Gueorgiou
Phillipe Adamski
Thomas Dlabaja
Graham Gristwood
JWOC winners :
Mats Troeng
Lina Strand
Eskil Kinneberg
Yngve Skogstad
Topias Tianen
Lucas Basset
Matt Ogden
Also very good:
Anna Forsberg
Anders Norberg
What about your name?
At 22/11/12 19:17,
Anoniem said…
also very good: marian davidik
At 23/11/12 14:40,
Anoniem said…
I signed, but my name doesn't appear on the list and I didn't get an email?
At 23/11/12 15:33,
Anoniem said…
It is fixed! Sorry!
At 24/11/12 11:01,
Anoniem said…
Isn't that a little bit selfish?
I bet if you hold another petition - with exactly the contrary of this message ( = Sprint is fun and it should be developped) you get as many 'voters' as you get in this petition.
In orienteering you have people who like Long and Middle distance in a forest - and they have competitions and trainings almost every day.
But there are also athletes who like the Sprint distance - why would they be stopped from enjoying the sprint on a top level (in this matter - at a World Championship) - only because others don't like doing Sprint?!
It's a matter of respecting different opinions.
Nobody will ever stop you from running your favorite distance - so why stop another from running his.
Dear regards
Jeremy Genar
(I don't think this will give me a lot of new friends...)
(Btw: I also prefer a nice forest 'in the middle of nowhere' - but as I said in this comment - that doesn't matter - it doesn't affects me)
(Needless to say I didn't sign the petition - sorry)
At 24/11/12 11:10,
Toon said…
I think you didnt read the petition.
We say that we are not against sprint. But we are against the fact that in the Worldcup/Nort/WOC the focus is getting more and more on sprint in stead of Middle and Long. We disagree because for us is orienteering a sport of the nature. That doesnt mean that there shouldnt be sprints anymore on the program. But if you want to win the world cup nowadays you have to be a champion in sprint!
At 24/11/12 11:33,
Anoniem said…
The focus isn't on sprint - it's trying to find a way where Sprint as well as Long and Middle have their place.
The World Cup programs for the next 2 years give, if you ask me, as many Sprints as Middle and Long.
2013: http://orienteering.org/events/?event_id=297
2014: http://orienteering.org/events/?event_id=363
(Which, indeed, makes Sprint more important than Middle OR Long - but not more important than Forest Orienteering)
At 24/11/12 12:05,
Anoniem said…
Are you trying to tell the focus is not on sprint!? I'm astonished that actually someone is writing this.
At 24/11/12 12:21,
Anoniem said…
The focus is on trying to find a new balance! And when there are 7 Sprint races and 7 Middle / Long races - this balance is found - no?
Not the best sprinter will win an overall World Cup - but the best allround orienteer - as it should be.
It's a normal next step in evolution of orienteering. And some of you don't like it - those who are signing the petition - but others do.
So we need a program where Sprint AND Forest orienteering is involved - and I think the new program is respecting both.
Correct me if 50/50 isn't a fair deal...
At 24/11/12 12:52,
Anoniem said…
I think almost all the middle distances in the world cup can count as a sprint aswell because this year and also last year they were more a M12 course then a real challange.
Sprint is 1/3th of the important orienteering disciplines. Why should it have +50% of the attention?
At 24/11/12 14:21,
Toon Melis said…
Deze reactie is verwijderd door de auteur.
At 24/11/12 14:22,
Toon Melis said…
This is what Graham Gristwood said about the petition.
I signed because I am concerned that the World Cup is becoming a Sprint World Cup (it will soon be possible to win the world cup without entering a forest), that all disciplines at international races are becoming compromised to get the 'perfect' arena and tv production, that soon it will be only sprint where all* the best runners get to take part because some countries will not have any chance to qualify more runners to the finals without qualifications (*noting that there are limits to number of runners currently for all countries anyway). This is despite the fact that most of my best results have come in sprint orienteering. I love sprint orienteering (when it is done well), but it is a part of orienteering, not what orienteering is all about.
I couldnt agree more on what he is saying!
At 26/11/12 18:56,
Anoniem said…
Dinsdag is er op Telefacts een item over Jos Lijnen (hamok)die vorige op zijn training net naast de kaart van Helchterenbos door een roedel everzwijnen werd aangevallen, naast de gazetten nu dus ook op tv...
Luc M
At 26/11/12 19:16,
Dries Heuninckx said…
Omdat we voor correct Nederlands taalgebruik zijn, een kleine rechtzetting. Een 'roedel' slaat op hond- of hertachtigen. De correcte benaming voor een groep everzwijnen is een 'rot'.
Van 'zundays' in de Zillion naar een everzwijnenplaag. Telefacts is ook niet meer wat het geweest was.
At 28/11/12 00:26,
JefB said…
Hoezee voor Dries H.
Die Zundays, was dat ook niet een beetje een everzwijnenplaag?
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