Starttijden BK Lang
De starttijden van het BK lange afstand in Wolfsbusch zijn verschenen.
Willekeurige startvolgorde, 6 minuten startinterval bij HE, wel start vanaf 9u, dus voor de vroege vogels!
Orienteering-news website
De starttijden van het BK lange afstand in Wolfsbusch zijn verschenen.
Willekeurige startvolgorde, 6 minuten startinterval bij HE, wel start vanaf 9u, dus voor de vroege vogels!
At 30/8/12 15:23,
Anoniem said…
Is zo een vroege start echt nodig? Om 9 uur start wil zeggen +- 8uur ter plaatse. Voor veel vlamingen om 6 uur al vertrekken. 5 uur opstaan!! Midden in de nacht. En dan nog een deftige prestatie leveren??
At 30/8/12 19:07,
Desmond said…
Die bedenking hierboven maakte ik me ook al, inderdaad om 5u opstaan..
Wordt het eens niet tijd om een regel te maken ivm starttijden op BK's voor H/D21E? De vorige jaren waren er te vaak discussies hieromtrent en zijn er te vaak BK's beslist omwille van onfaire starttijden (zie 2011). De BEL-ranking zou een goede basis zijn om starttijden op te maken. Ik denk dat iedereen zich hier wel in kan vinden.
At 30/8/12 20:10,
Anoniem said…
voor heel wat gezinnen uit Vlaanderen betekent dit inderdaad tussen 5.00u en en 5.30u uit de veren...
heel wat kinderen moeten 's anderendaags opnieuw naar school... helemaal niet ideaal.
kan er niemand voorstellen om alles 1 uur te verlaten????
dat zou dan nog steeds betekenen om 6 uur opstaan, maar dat zou het toch al een beetje menselijker maken...
At 30/8/12 21:28,
Anoniem said…
Laten we een hotel afhuren met de VVO.
At 31/8/12 12:59,
Fabi said…
From my home, it is longer than anywhere else. Nobody from my club is complaining and we just focus on enjoying the race.
Stop to blame, start to organize...
At 31/8/12 14:14,
Desmond said…
@ Fabi: I reread the previews from other Belgian champs. Every year people complain about the starttimes. Why not just make a good rule about this. It would be better for orienteering in general. Not just thinking about what's better for myself..
I'm also curious how you would react if you had the starttime from Olle Karner?
And there were also champs in the past when you blamed the organisation about starttimes yourself..
Only 2 examples:
At 31/8/12 15:43,
Anoniem said…
I agree with Desmond
if my starttime was also 11.18h, I could wake up at about 7.00h
now I can wake up at about 5.00h
for running a long distance race this can make a big difference in the 'freshness' you will have in the last kilometers
furthermore, when there is a national event in flanders, most of the time the number of participants living in the south of belgium is not that spectacular large (apart from some 'die hard') ... wonder what the number would be if they should wake up at about 5
At 1/9/12 14:54,
Anoniem said…
Ergens online-link met oude kaart Wolfsbusch?
At 1/9/12 21:57,
Anoniem said…
Map from 2004:
At 2/9/12 15:15,
Fabi said…
@ Desmond and Anoniem
In previous posts you linked, I just discussed about starting order which I agree have to be determinated by a fair rule. We already talked a lot about it.
BUT starting order and starting time is something different. Start at 9 or 10 doesn't seem to be the key point here that's why I react previously.
The key point is to have a nice starting order. So I'm not focus about myself as you very nicely let here think. Thanks this is very nice of you as usual I must aied from last years ! Hope you can make now the difference between starting hours and starting order. Let think I'm only take care of myself is something very blessing...
Next time, we should discuss it in private after a competition... it's always better...
At 5/9/12 10:55,
Anoniem said…
I might be wrong, but I think some of those who complain also run DURING THE NIGHT at Jukola or Tiomila. That must be terrible, getting up at 2O'clock.
Bart D.
At 7/9/12 17:06,
Fabi said…
to complete Bart comments, I must say that :
When I was an elite (almost Master now and getting old with 2 kids) I used week before to adjust my body to be ready to start early for important races (Jukola, Tiomila). So here 10 days is enough to adjust your body to an early start in Belgian champs (change your life style by getting bed and waking up earlier). So easy when your are motivated...
Fresh and low temperature on Sunday for early start, that's not bad neither ;-)
At 17/9/12 11:23,
dries said…
I'd like to add a concluding point to this:
In general I think everybody can agree that starting late is (in 98% of the cases) an advantage. You are able to follow traces or the smell of your opponents. No discussion about that.
The second point about starting order is: catching up someone. I think everyone agrees that 4 eyes see more than 2.
So, how difficult can it be to avoid favorites for a race (let's say top 10) not to start in the first 5 of a pack of 30 and to avoid them starting close to eachother.
I already gave a similar idea 4 years ago I think, but here comes another one to think about.
STEP 1: Make a top 20 based on whatever ranking. (I know BEL-ranking is not accepted by everybody around the table, but it is accepted by all elites)
STEP 2: Devide in 4 groups : A= first 5 - B= 6 till 10 - C=11-15 and D= 16-20.
STEP 3: randomly pick C-B-D-A-C-B-D-A-...
Starting interval i.e. 4 minutes for long distance - 2 minutes for middle and 1 minute for sprint.
Example in long distance; In this way: top 5 favorites is always seperated by 16 minutes and top 10 by 8 minutes.
Initiating these rules would avoid the use of big starting intervals like 6 minutes - and thus avoid the early starttimes.
Any objections?
At 19/9/12 09:22,
Fabi said…
Good system Dries !
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