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vrijdag, januari 04, 2008

Jeremy Genar moves to Sibbo-Vargarna

Jeremy Genar the talented junior runner from Belgium, will be member of the Finnish club 'Sibbo-Vargarna' next season. Most runners in this Finnish team have a Swedish roots, like their most famous runner Jörgen Wickholm. In 2007 Sibbo-Vargarna became 25th at jukola and 44th at tiomila. They also participated at 25manna and finnished 53th.

During their national championship relay SV took the 22th place in total. Every team exists out of 4 runners and are allowed to select 1 foreigner. Kalevan Rasti took the victory with Thierry Gueorgiou in their team.

Jeremy is only 17 years old (born in 1990) and won oringen2007 in H18. His goal this season will be JWOC in Sweden. He already participated at JWOC2006 in Lithuania and became 96th in sprint. But he was still a youngster and suffered health problems. In the national championships 2007 he only won the BK relay with his Belgian club trol. During the middle and long distance he became 2nd twice, both in junior class. He also participated in the H21elite class during some national competitions in Belgium.
Now he can start looking forward to the future to participate in relays with Trol and SV.

Other Belgian runners who run for Scandinavian clubs: Fabien Pasquasy (SNO), Bart Delobel (IF Brahe), Joost Talloen (OK Skogshjortarna) and Thomas Van der Kleij (Hamar OK).

Website Jeremy Genar
Website Sibbo-Vargarna
Website Trol
Results Finnish Relay 2007
Video Finnish Relay 2007


  • At 5/1/08 14:26, Blogger jeroen vdK said…

    Des: you forgot to mention that Jeremy was the winner of Orienteering Today Catching Features World Series 2006

  • At 7/1/08 14:28, Anonymous Anoniem said…

    Where comes the information, that most of SV runners have Swedish roots. As far as I know, all their top runners are finns. Until now.

  • At 7/1/08 20:29, Blogger sofie said…

    I think they mean most runners will speak swedish instead of finnish?
    Swedish is definitely a lot easier for Jeremy to learn :)

  • At 18/1/08 17:20, Anonymous Anoniem said…

    "Tuurlijk wil ik dat, dat wil ik al sinds ik op mijn 10 jaar begon met oriënteren... Een droom, iets wat ik altijd al gehoopt heb." (blog jeremy)

    Kan mij moeilijk voorstellen dat je je daarmee bezighoudt op 10-jarige leeftijd... maar het oogt wel mooi natuurlijk, die zin.


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