Hechtelse Duinen: map + results
Today a military orienteering event took place in Flanders. Jeroen van der Kleij won easily, he was nearly 5 minutes faster than Jan Oeyen (2nd) and Desmond Franssen (3rd). Some other strong military athletes ran race 3, because of an intern competition.
Map Hechtelse Duinen: GPS tracking Jeroen vdK
Map part1
Map part2
Cross country:
Last week the national military championship cross country took place. Also some orienteers were present at this competition. For example in mens class: Bart Delobel (20th), Ben Gielen (47th), Benjamin Anciaux (49th), Paul Goossens(77th), Guy Tirez(162th), Vladimir Geldof (552th),... In womens class: Christa Bloemen (12th).
Results Men
Results Women
At 13/12/08 11:23,
Anoniem said…
is de zin beneden op de kaart een protestactie ofzo?
At 13/12/08 17:29,
sofie said…
Ben Roberts, ooit als junior nog voor Great Britain gelopen, momenteel fotograaf doet mee aan een wedstrijd. Als hij wint heeft hij beloofd om gratis foto's op orientatiewedstrijden te gaan nemen in UK, dus stemmen maar :)
you need to vote for Ben on each of days 1-5. The photographer with the most overall votes by 12.30pm on the 19th of December will be the winner.
At 13/12/08 19:00,
Anoniem said…
The map and the terrain are very great over there. But I have a question : aren't you "bored" of running / orienteering always in the same area. It must be the 54th orienteering races there in the last 5 years.
Hopefully there won't be any big competitions there for a while (belgian champs and so on) because it won't be fair. Or none of flemish runners on the start line !!!
Allez I have to admit that the terrain there is great.
At 13/12/08 21:22,
Anoniem said…
Belgian night champs (7 march) are already on (a part of) this map...
At 14/12/08 09:38,
Anoniem said…
So no flemish runners on the start line ?
If it was in Nismes, I won't run...
Not fair at all...
At 14/12/08 22:11,
Anoniem said…
Indeed, there are a lot of trainings, races, military events organised in that area... Maybe to much for a map for a championship. But on the other hand, I'm looking forward for Belgian night champs in this area... I can imagine champs which were held on a more poor terrain/map... And not all flemish runners live close to that area or compete there every time. Eg I have to travel a lot longer than someone from Liege to this aera.
Our ABSO/BVOS rules now about fair-play/embargo:
7.5 Aangesloten leden mogen zich niet meer begeven of gaan trainen op een
wedstrijdgebied gedurende de 21 dagen voorafgaande aan de wedstrijd. Met de
goedkeuring van de ABSO-BVOS controleur kan de organisator voor een langere
periode een “embargo” afkondigen voor wedstrijden vermeld in art. 6.2.1. *french version below
Maybe these rules are to 'soft'? And what with sprint-areas (Eg BK Sprint next year in Namur?
If we want to change something about these rules, it is the moment now to work on this, as new rules are voted on 26/02/2009.
7.5 Il est interdit à tout affilié de se promener ou de s’entraîner dans un futur terrain de
compétition à partir de 21ième jour avant la date de la compétition. Pour les
compétitions visées à l’article 6.2.1, l’organisateur peut fixer une période d’interdiction
plus longue en décidant de mettre le terrain de compétition « sous embargo » après
avis favorable du contrôleur ABSO-BVOS.
At 15/12/08 08:08,
Anoniem said…
Good discussion / debate about it. But only a club can ask for a change in sports rules. So who can do it ?
About Sprint races I have the same comments too. I don't know yet if I'll run in Namur next year despite not living there anymore since septembre (Nismes). I don't know where it will be and don't know the town well (big city). Never mapped before neither.
Anyway it's nice to talk about it.
At 19/12/08 16:53,
dries said…
A proposal:
There are a lot of situations in Belgium where mapdrawers compete on there favorite maps.
And where championships were held on home ground.
But what is fair and what is unfair...
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