Belgian JEC team announced
This week, the junior coaches decided that 12 Belgian juniors are selected to take part in JEC near Millau (FR) thanks to their performances at the Belgian long distance championships:
- Elisabeth Henkes (D-18)
- Miek Fabré (D-20)
- Saartje Sallarts (D-20)
- Elien Melis (D-20)
- Wouter Leeuws (H-18)
- Jeremy Genar (H-18)
- Gilles De Neyer (H-18)
- Adriaan Pelckmans (H-18)
Johan Goubau (H-20)(does not participate due to school obligations)- Kim Wallaert (H-20)
- Felix Vandemeulebroek (H-20)
- Corentin Tonneau (H-20)
The terrains in the Causses Region require careful orienteering as can be seen on the map fragments on the official site and as told by people who already ran races there.
Source: FRSO (the photo there is worth the click)
De Laatste Post scouted the area this summer:
The Dourbie Canyon, in which Nant, the village hosting the event, is situated. Good observers can see the enormous viaduct of Millau in the background.
The 14th century "Pont de la Prade" in Nant, as seen from the "Chapelle du Claux", indicated by the Michelin guide as one of the best views on the bridge. The competitors in the sprint race will have to pass this bridge.
Close-up view of the bridge.
The 12th century "Église Abbatiale St-Pierre", in Nant. Inside the church, you can find some beautiful capitals:
The numerous small passages in the village will certainly make even the sprint event in the city difficult.
We are looking forward to some good performances by our talented group of runners. The results during O-ringen and local races were certainly showing that the team is getting ready for their main goal, JWOC 2008 and we hope they will also show their good shape at JEC.
Anyway, we read that this will be the last JEC, anyone with more information?
At 15/9/07 19:44,
Anoniem said…
Ondertussen is ook nog een andere selectie (WC Zwitserland) bekend gemaakt:
Sur proposition collégiale des entraîneurs Stephane DMYTERKO et Roger VANAKEN, la Commission des Equipes ABSO-BVOS a sélectionné les coureurs suivants pour la Finale de la Coupe du Monde en Suisse, les 6 & 7 octobre 2007
Dame : Aline HERMANS
Hommes : Etienne VAN GASSE, Fabien PASQUASY & Thomas VANDERKLEIJ
Ils seront encadrés par Stephane DMYTERKO
Au programme, une Moyenne Distance le samedi - un Sprint ou une Longue Distance le dimanche
Bonne chance à toutes et tous.
At 17/9/07 18:12,
Anoniem said…
Ik ben er 2 jaar geleden geweest. De vijfdaagse was schitterend... Prachtige kaarten en mooie details die goed te lezen zijn.
Het zal voor vele een mooie uitdaging worden.
Succes en geniet van de rotsen...
At 14/12/09 12:36,
Anoniem said…
yes.. nice style..
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