Preview Belgian relay champs
Technically it's not the most demanding terrain, but there are some tricky areas with a lot of details. For sure during a relay (with the extra stress) runners will make mistakes here.
An other important fact is the scale. After some negotiations and discussions, the decision has been made and the scale will be 1/7500. To my opinion a good decision for the runners to make this map and details readable.
Map 2008
Report WRE race 2008
Favourits in men elite:
If we take a look at the favourits in class H21E (named Hopen), we can take the results from last year as basics. The terrain was totally different in 2010 and a lot of runners made big mistakes. Actually only Trol could avoid big errors during that race and won the champs with 11min ahead of Hamok. Trol (Ken Peeters - Desmond Franssen - Sergey Fedatsenka) will run with exactly the same team as last year and will be again among the favourits. Actually Trol also wanted to register a strong 2nd team, but because Jeremy Genar and Michael Van Baelen have exams that team isn't as strong as they hoped.
The podium at the relay champs 2010 in class Hopen with Trol(1st), Hamok(2nd) and Kol(3rd).
The number 2 from 2010, 2009, 2008 and 2007 (Hamok) will have 2 strong teams at the startline. The first team (Jeroen Hoekx - Thomas van der Kleij - Dries van der Kleij) is stronger compared to last year, so they will fight for the victory for sure. Hamok2 (Benjamin Anciaux - Jeroen van der Kleij - Tom Herremans) can try to reach the finish as best 2nd team, which is also an honour during the tiomila-relay. The talented junior runners (Toon Melis and Tristan Bloemen) will still run in junior class instead of the open class. For your information: in 2006 Hamok only became 3rd...
Omega, winner of the relay champs 2009, is also able to fight for the podium. In 2009 the terrain was also really fast and they have exactly the same team now. Joost Talloen showed his good shape during the Flanders 3-days, Bart Delobel will be ready and also Wouter Leeuws started training again after his break. In total Omega has 4 teams competing in Hopen.
Kol, the 4th big Flemish team, is probably the team with the best runners among its members. Last year they had a really strong team, but made too many mistakes. This edition some good runners won't show up at the relay champs: no Pieter Hendrickx, no Yannick Michiels, no Geert Simkens,... Kol1 will be present with Gert Claes, Wannes Hendrickx and woc runner Tomas Hendrickx.
An other team (from the south of Belgium) which will be able to fight for the medals is HOC. The team from Fabien Pasquasy won the relay champs in 2008 and was 4th last year. The only question is which toprunners will be Pasquasy's teammates...
Also Asub (Bernard, Colomb, Krier, de Neyer brothers,...), Les Raptors (Van Gasse, Goubau,...), NSV Amel (Langer, Theiss and Lenges), Ardoc (Bastin and Hennes), CO Liege and OLV Eifel can create good teams. But we have no idea which runners have registered for this competition.
Favourits in Dopen:
In womens class Omega is the favourit as always. This edition Elisabeth Henkes will be absent in the team, but Miek Fabre - Kim Geypen - Veerle Tulleneers are also able to defend the title. The opponents will be for sure Asub (Mulpas, Hoofd and De Longueville) and Co Liege (Kosinska, VanderMeulen and Hermans), if they will have the same runners as last year. Or maybe Ardoc, Hamok, Kol or Trol can surprise and reach the podium.
At 23/8/11 14:14,
Michel Bastin said…
ARDOC will run with Michael Hennes, Christian and Michel Bastin
At 23/8/11 14:16,
Desmond said…
thanks for the information. would be nice if other teams would also write their teams as comments
At 23/8/11 18:24,
Xtof said…
Thanks for the preview! I'll communicate ASUB-team as soon as I know it...
I have some difficulties to understand why we need to use 1:7500 scale for our (very) easy Belgian forests... Last week in (very) technical Revard forests everybody ran on 1:10000 (even 1:15000 for WOC's long), and it was wonderful orienteering.
See you on Sunday,
Christophe Bernard
At 23/8/11 23:58,
An said…
Kosinska en Vandermeulen lopen volgens mijn info niet.
De Longueville eveneens afwezig, wordt vervangen door Vierriko....
(komaan O-watcher!)
At 24/8/11 08:03,
Cath said…
Asub 1: Xtof Bernard - JF Krier - Gilles Deneyer
Asub 2: Quentin Deneyer - Gilles Delmée - Thierry Lamury
At 24/8/11 08:42,
Fabi said…
HOC H-Open :
Joël Drygalski - Johann Tinchant - Fabien Pasquasy
At 24/8/11 17:06,
Anoniem said…
Podium H-Open:
1. TROL met Peeters,Franssen en Fedatsenka
2. HAMOK met Hoekx en 2 Van der Kleij
3. HOC met Drygalski, Tinchant en Pasquasy
Spijtig van KOL.
At 24/8/11 22:52,
Desmond said…
In laatste instantie hebben toch nog 2 toppers ingeschreven bij KOL om 'de derde ploeg te vervolledigen'. De eerste ploeg is nu geworden;
MICHIELS Yannick H-20
At 25/8/11 15:38,
o-fan said…
podium H-open:
1. KOL
At 25/8/11 16:03,
Toon Melis said…
Deze reactie is verwijderd door de auteur.
At 25/8/11 16:04,
Toon Melis said…
Podium Hopen
1. Hamok
2. Trol
3. KOL
+preview interview with olav and ivar Ludanes (will be published tommorow or day after tommorow)
General comments of olav on my questions:
It was interesting
i dont think have got many like them before:)
At 25/8/11 23:03,
Anoniem said…
No way boys,
2. HOC
3. KOL
See you on sunday!!
At 26/8/11 14:51,
Michel Bastin said…
Podium Hopen
1. KOL
2. Trol
3. Ham OK
At 26/8/11 16:20,
dries said…
KOL en TROL zijn favoriet; KOL komt met 2 WOC-gangers aan de start, en Pieter heeft momenteel een 8’30” op de 3km in de benen dus fysiek is deze ploeg zeker het sterkst.
TROL heeft 3 mannen die dit seizoen al lieten zien dat ze op topniveau lopen, Ken liep 2 weken geleden nog erg sterk op de 3-daagse en in Finland, Desmond en Serge stonden eerder al op het hoogste schavotje op nationale wedstrijden en BK’s.
Omega en Hamok zullen dus strijden om plaats 3 volgens mij.
Mijn Podium is dus ook zoals dat van O-fan en Michel:
1. KOL
al hoop ik natuurlijk dat hamok eens mag winnen, na zoveel 2e plaatsen.
At 27/8/11 16:58,
Anoniem said…
Ik zou zeggen, let the games begin
At 27/8/11 22:37,
mvb said…
Isn't this thé day after tomorrow? :)
At 29/8/11 09:48,
jeroen vdK said…
Tight fast races yesterday on nice terain.., looking forward to the BC long distance!
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