MSBN: tales from the forest
Winner Ken Peeters in his training log:
6th place Desmond Franssen (source):
One man night relay at Balendijk. It was with a mass start and there were some 30 participants with almost all night stars from flanders (except for Thomas VDK which organised the course). Start was already fast with Alexander Lubina ahead. I followed in second position with Tom, Desmond and Joost behind me. We didn't made too big mistakes till there was a fork. I got confused by the big difference I had to run and made a mistake at the 13th control. The 15th was also not good. The first control after map change I was together with Desmond and we lost here 30'. But the control after we were already back to Tom and at the 4th to Alexander which was in the lead. We kept making small mistakes and after the forking of this route I tried to run away with Dries VDK but we again made a mistake at 28th control (12th control at second map). Tom, Alexander, Dries and me were back together to the final controls. It was bit stressy these last ones. Alexander took the lead at the penultimate control but he felt terribly there. I ran ahead to the last one with only Tom behind me. It was not really a sprint but Tom was only 3 sec behind. Alexander eventually finished fourth 1 minute behind. Pitty of the falling, could been hard finish.
Still satisfied off course, nice course, very good training in fast orienteering.
6th place Desmond Franssen (source):
Mass start with a lot of strong runners present. The leading group was already made at the 2nd control: Lubina, Ken, Joost, Tom, Dries and me. I was following in 3rd position most of the time behind Ken and Lubina. I felt physically strong and had no problems with the speed. But at the end of the first loop i started to feel pain in my lower back and it got worser during the 2nd loop.
5 controls before the finish i was still in the leading group, but there i made a big mistake and the others were gone. After this control i even lost 3'30 on the leaders (because of jogging and making more mistakes). Joost passed me when i again made a mistake.
Great training, perfect organisation! we should need more competitions like this and i hope the other toprunners will join this competition next time. Thanks to the Hoekx and Van der Kleij families for all the efforts.
At 29/11/09 00:23,
Desmond said…
Hieronder de twitter page van Alexander Lubina:
At 30/11/09 21:27,
Anoniem said…
All good except de Mash? I do NOT agree. Ik heb thuis op mijn kastje nog een aandenken staan met de titel die niets aan de verbeelding overlaat: Belgischer Nachtmeister. Aha! Eat this. :-)
Getekend, Der Belgischer Nachtmeister
At 30/11/09 22:43,
dries said…
ja mr nachtmeister :-) ik geloof dat de titel van mr disqualifier op dees moment beter geschikt is voor u... Vorige vrijdag weer van da?!
At 30/11/09 22:57,
Anoniem said…
camouflage en verstopperke spelen is toch de favorite bezigheid van iedere militair, dus dacht ik :"Waarom niet?"Hahaa, maar ik heb wel mijn tussentijdenblaadje om te vergelijken met de splits, AHA!
OK, OK, Mr Disqualifier past me op dit moment iets te goed. Da's mijn soort ode aan VDB.
Der Nachtmeister
At 2/12/09 12:59,
Desmond said…
More stories from the forest:
Alexander Lubina:
was a nice race in belgium! lots of fun! thanks to thomas vdk for a nice evening! think it wasn't my last race in belgium this year!
Joost Talloen:
Mass start by night: very well organised by VDK and Hoekx family --> thanks guys. Great effort!
The one-man relay consisted out of two loops. I ran a very good first loop, controlling all the time and arriving as first one in the finish area after this first loop with Lubina, Tom H, Desmond, Ken and Dries vdk closely behind. But at the beginning of the second loop I make three mistakes, 1st control 10-15", 2nd control 1'30", 3rd control 50" --> I lose contact with the group and run the rest of the race alone --> good training, still lots of work to do, concentration and the precision orienteering (map reading until right to the control) must be better.
Dries van der Kleij:
rather clean race... couldn't keep up with the speed of Ken and Alexander.
Focussed on orienteering and close to the end I had the feeling I could win this race but than my headlamp fell off.
Too bad, but satisfied.
Finished in 3rd place.
2 hamok-runners on the podium with the best hamok runners Jeroen and Thomas as the organisers is quiet an achievement.
Jan Oeyen:
Nacht Balendijk massastart
Doel was een goede snelheidstraining (zoals Zilvermeer) door met de groep meegezogen te worden, maar helaas aan post 1 was het al boeken toe. Ik vind alle posten in de buurt behalve de mijne, denk dat ik de allerallerlaatste moet zijn geweest die post 1 geknipt heeft (na 2'30"). Dan een inhaalrace geprobeerd maar toch nog behoorlijk wat fouten gemaakt. Vooral aan post 108 een open plek in het donkergroen.Een muur van takken waar ik niet door durfde om te gaan zoeken...
Pluspunt, het 2e deel loop ik foutloos maar toen kende ik de kaart natuurlijk al.
Vandaag snel vergeten (is nogal veel het geval de laatste tijd)
Jan Delobel:
Good thing: my heel wasn't hurting anymore. Bad thing: I had breathing problems, which made feeling terrible. It was like if I was running like an old man... But all in all, when you look at the results, 7th place in this strong, international field of runners was probably the highest possible for me.
Nice race format, well organised.
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