Sylvester stage 2: Oeyen and Anciaux
The 2nd stage of the Sylvester 5-days took place in Lichtaart (Witte Bergen). This terrain and coursesetting created an opposite result as the day before. Yesterday the focus was on orienteering at high running speed, while today was more a fight with a tough forest.
In women's class Greet Oeyen did a surprising performance today. She stopped representing the national team one year ago and decided to train less, but today she looks stronger than ever. Often choosing for a straight routechoice resulted in a victory in D21E. She was more than 7 minutes faster than Claire Ward (2nd) and Anna Moilanen (3rd). Miek Fabre (2nd yesterday) even lost more than 16 minutes compared to Oeyen. The winner from yesterday (Ausrine Kutkaite) didn't finish the whole course, but again liked the terrain and map. Liesbeth van de Velde is still missing in the unofficial results. Her emit got broken, so they will check her time manually. This is the reason why the official results are not online yet.
Of course Greet Oeyen takes the lead in the overall ranking now, ahead of Claire Ward (2nd) and Anna Moilanen (3rd).
In class H21E Benjamin Anciaux had a good race with almost no mistakes. So he ended up on the 1st position, 1 minute faster than Joost Talloen (2nd) and Desmond Franssen (3rd). Joost Talloen felt physically better than yesterday and was satisfied about the result. Wouter Hus and Tomas Hendrickx both finished 2 minutes behind and became 4th and 5th.
In the overall ranking we see a close and exciting fight for the victory up to now. Benjamin Anciaux takes the lead 30 seconds ahead of Tomas Hendrickx. Wouter Hus is 3rd at the moment at 1'26 behind the leader and only 9 seconds ahead of Desmond Franssen (4th).
All participants were very positive about the coursesetting (Jeremy Genar and Winston Franssen) and the map (Peter Bleyens and Fons Bosch) today. The only factor which made the race today extremely tough was the weather. In the early morning the organisation even thought about cancelling the race, because big branches were coming down from the trees. We can't ullistrate the circumstances better by the words of Michael van Baelen who checked the controls this morning:
"First snow of the year and checking the controls before the race on the map "White mountains". First 6-7 controls it was still dark and I had to stand still often to check. From control 4,5 and 6 I got really cold because it was quite green and I constantly got branches against me full of snow/water. Also the paths were sometimes completely blank with ice cold water. Never got warm again and even skipped the last 4 controls because I couldn't feel my feet and hands anymore. Running as fast as possible back to the event centre."
Results (coming soon)
Splits (coming soon)
Map H21E (Desmond Franssen)
Map D21E (Ausrine Kutkaite)
In women's class Greet Oeyen did a surprising performance today. She stopped representing the national team one year ago and decided to train less, but today she looks stronger than ever. Often choosing for a straight routechoice resulted in a victory in D21E. She was more than 7 minutes faster than Claire Ward (2nd) and Anna Moilanen (3rd). Miek Fabre (2nd yesterday) even lost more than 16 minutes compared to Oeyen. The winner from yesterday (Ausrine Kutkaite) didn't finish the whole course, but again liked the terrain and map. Liesbeth van de Velde is still missing in the unofficial results. Her emit got broken, so they will check her time manually. This is the reason why the official results are not online yet.
Unofficial results D21E
Of course Greet Oeyen takes the lead in the overall ranking now, ahead of Claire Ward (2nd) and Anna Moilanen (3rd).
Benjamin Anciaux in action at Silva league in april 2014
In class H21E Benjamin Anciaux had a good race with almost no mistakes. So he ended up on the 1st position, 1 minute faster than Joost Talloen (2nd) and Desmond Franssen (3rd). Joost Talloen felt physically better than yesterday and was satisfied about the result. Wouter Hus and Tomas Hendrickx both finished 2 minutes behind and became 4th and 5th.
Unofficial results H21E
In the overall ranking we see a close and exciting fight for the victory up to now. Benjamin Anciaux takes the lead 30 seconds ahead of Tomas Hendrickx. Wouter Hus is 3rd at the moment at 1'26 behind the leader and only 9 seconds ahead of Desmond Franssen (4th).
Map D21E (routechoices Ausrine Kutkaite)
All participants were very positive about the coursesetting (Jeremy Genar and Winston Franssen) and the map (Peter Bleyens and Fons Bosch) today. The only factor which made the race today extremely tough was the weather. In the early morning the organisation even thought about cancelling the race, because big branches were coming down from the trees. We can't ullistrate the circumstances better by the words of Michael van Baelen who checked the controls this morning:
"First snow of the year and checking the controls before the race on the map "White mountains". First 6-7 controls it was still dark and I had to stand still often to check. From control 4,5 and 6 I got really cold because it was quite green and I constantly got branches against me full of snow/water. Also the paths were sometimes completely blank with ice cold water. Never got warm again and even skipped the last 4 controls because I couldn't feel my feet and hands anymore. Running as fast as possible back to the event centre."
Results (coming soon)
Splits (coming soon)
Map H21E (Desmond Franssen)
Map D21E (Ausrine Kutkaite)
At 27/12/14 19:54,
Dries Heuninckx said…
What's cooler than being cool, icecold! I liked the coursesetting, but the quality of the outprint of the contours was a bit more poor in comparison with the map of yesterday.
At 27/12/14 22:13,
Anoniem said…
lijkt me onmogelijk vermits dag 1 en 2 door dezelfde persoon met zelfde ocad is getekend (twee pluimen die Peter B op zijn hoed mag zetten want ik vond beide goed en goed updated getekend).
Ook het printen van dag 1 & 2 heeft Peter gedaan. Maw, ook hier is niets anders verlopen qua print instellingen.
Je hebt een punt ivm soms moeilijke leesbaarheid. Maar dag 2 minder tov dag is 1 is onwaar. Dan worden er verschillen gezien die er niet zijn (misschien iets om eens bij stil te staan?).
Verder, om opmerking een kader te geven waarin te interpreteren;
Ik stond hele dag aan de aankomst en heb deze opmerking 1 maal te horen gekregen van iemand meteen na zijn wedstrijd. En deze persoon zei dat hij ten gevolg van natte ogen de hoogtelijnen slecht kon lezen. Toen stelde ik me de vraag welk v beide het voornamelijke probleem was om een probleem te creëren?
Ok, eens een bal rolt kan je nog mensen vinden om te bevestigen. Maar meteen aan de aankomst werd deze opmerking slechts 1x gedeeld met ons. We stuurden de finishers wel zo snel mogelijk naar cc ipv uitgebreid na te bespreken. Dus miss is mijn kader ten gevolg daarvan fout?
Leuk dat de witte bergen nog eens wit waren ipv licht groen.
Het is sowieso al een trage kaart met hogere als gemiddelde km tijden qua Vlaamse bossen.
De winterse omstandigheden maakte het eens zo zwaar en ook eens zo divers.
Tot morgen. Benieuwd wat te verwachten van Weyervlakte in winter omstandigheden.
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